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Sunday, March 19, 2006


I have so far been using my site purely for long, analytical articles but time and circumstances have limited my writing during the past month, so I have established three new sections in "test" mode, with links in the left hand column:

1. A section where I can post short bits of news and comments as per the link on the left and keep things up to date. (The first post will probably be a piece from the Free Republic that was posted by FARS just to replace the word "test").

2. After I manage to find a site to upload videos and .pps or .wmv files, you will find not only political but also interesting and humorous videos to enjoy.

3. The Graphics link will contain photos such as the one (when I can find it again), of a young Iranian about to be hung, rope around his neck, stepping onto what looks like a very large baking tray. The reason? When a person gets hung his bowels and bladder empty violently and the pressure also causes ejaculation.

The Mullahs use the huge baking tray to keep the ground under the cranes on which they string up their victims easy to clean up. And strung up they are, not dropped in a humane fashion to break their necks. Their death struggles often have them raising their knees to their chests in writhing agony as they choke. Friendly, gentle, peaceful Islam all over again. (See the Impaling Execution video link by clicking on the "angry smiley" icon).

For the main antimullah page, I am trying to finish writing up an article about the current nuclear status of Iran - they already have usable nukes and armed missile cones - and have had for some time (details will be there). As will their tactical activity to thwart any street disturbances and use of the "oil weapon" strategy.

Additionally, the infiltration (started pre-Iraqi war) of Turkish special forces, intelligence agents and fifth columnists with instructions to bomb, maim and disrupt the Kurds and coalition forces (Turks are supposedly our allies), into Kurdish areas of Northern Iraq will be detailed. Similarly to Iran's actions in Southern Iraq. And a common goal Turkey has with Iran regarding the Kurds.

I've noticed many visitors - often via Regime Change Iran - taking a quick look, finding nothing new and departing. Thanks for the loyal visits - including to my amusement from Islamic mullah sites/sources.

I am determined to finish the longer articles ASAP but will begin to post short commentaries or news items on the relevant blog about Iran (conveniently linked for you) and possibly the occasional humor to make a daily visit worthwhile.

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