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Thursday, October 26, 2006

A Pakistani post regarding the late Shah & Mossadegh

Anyone interested in this little "spat" can also see about half a dozen other comments posted. :-))

Back to serious news and postings late this weekend.

The Paki Liberal said...

Yeah it still would've been an oppressive state with a widening gap between the rich and the poor with no hope for democracy.

The blog author and the rest of these idiots who post on this blog are too blind to realize that Iran was actually a flourishing democracy and if it weren't for the CIA's coup against Mossadegh (who was democratically elected, mind you) it would still be the beacon of democracy and freedom to this day.

I know most of you idiots will be quick to accuse me of siding with the mullahcracy, but let me assure you, I am pro-democracy to the fullest, unlike most of you hypocrites who only use democracy when it suits your needs. I look forward to the day the mullahs in Iran are gone as much as all of you do. If you want to live in an oppressive state where political dissidents are executed (no different from what it is now except its being used under the guise of religion), then go ahead.

But there are a lot of Iranians who want true freedom, not the neo-con view of freedom.I wonder if this "Anti-Mullah" idiot will post up videos of how brutal the SAVAK was, and yet most of you idiots wonder how Khomeini and his thugs end up getting power in the first place.

BTW you stupid Persians, neo-cons don't give two shits about you. They only use you when its convenient for their agendas. Morons, I swear.
1:53 PM

Alan Peters said...

Liberal Paki,

I generally ignore comments posted on my site but your opinions require mine in return ..... though your ignorance of who Mossadegh was - is to be expected.

Your language tends to show your apparently poor upbringing, which still carries weight in Pakistan or among Paki expatriates.There was surprisingly increasing democratic structure coming into being under the late Shah when the Soviets lost the revolution to the Islamist Mullahs..

Unlike under your hero Mossadegh.

"Democratically elected" under whom? Under the rule of the Shah by the pro-Soviet Tudeh party with Soviet support.

The "political dissidents" you cite were pro-Soviet movements intent on overthrowing the monarchy on behalf of the Soviets - NOT their personal political freedoms. Other than traitorous ones used as excuses and to inspire Mossadegh to faciliate their aims.

Mossadegh quickly became a pawn of the Soviets and was giving them the country on a platter - requiring the CIA intervention you criticize. Not on behalf of the Shah so much as for anti-Soviet ability of reaching the Persian Gulf.

The very worst of SAVAK does not scratch the surface of the horrors of the Mullahs. And was directed at Soviet agents/supporters, not the populace.

When the MARXIST Mojaheddin and Fedayeen - under Soviet guidance and Soviet urban guerilla specialists operating out of their Tehran embassy, tried once again to take control of Iran and find a path to warm waters, SAVAK quite rightly, but not always adroitly, resisted.

The Mullahs which you as a devout, perhaps jihadist PAKI might tend to subconsciously support, stole it out of the mouths of the Soviet surrogates.

Try to temper your emotional ignorance and rhetoric with some modicum of real life fact rather than hearsay you so carelessly adopt as the truth.

Less perhaps as an uninformed pro-Mullah shill than sourced in anti-Western sentiments, perhaps latent anti-USA tendencies.

You should know the subject in great detail - as I happen to - before you disclose the extent of your ignorance and the depth of your bias. And a somewhat foul mouth.

11:06 PM


  1. Oh, The impervious to facts and reasoned arguments Jihadists...

    Mossadegh was a constitutional monarchist who was appointed twice as a prime minister by the late Shah and both time with disatrous results....What an imbecile.

    Who signed the Nationalization of Iranian Oil. It was not Mossadegh. It was the Late Shah. BTW, Yesterday was the Shah's birthday and he would've been 86 years old.

    Mossadegh stayed a Constitutional Monarchist to the day he died as evidenced in his court documents. He was the most authorative and brilliant Constitutional lawyer of his time or any other time for that matter:

    Jihadist's fanaticism (bordering on schizophrenia) is an instruction on how twisted, perverted and cultic Islamic garbage consumption, ideological indoctrinations,
    And pure lunacy can result in such absurd, fallacious, illogical, half truth, revisionary and distorted sense of reality and comment.

    Truth conflicts with their brain washing. They have to build an alternate Reality to rectify their unease with truth.

  2. Late Shah's achievments in Iran:

    Under the mullah's the age of marriage was brought down from 18 to 9 years old. There are thousands of women who run away from their husband's home and they end up in the hands of prostitution rings.
    Woman traficking in Iran is a state-run business venture run by the IRGC.

    ...See Husband-killing on the rise in Iran. Also read the stories of some of these women here on the Amnesty International site.

    Shahla Moazami, a criminologist in Iran, performed a conclusive research in 2003 on the topic of “spouse-killings”. These were her findings:

    “From her interviews, Moazami found a clear and common pattern in the stories of the female killers. The women married young, often 12-14 years old, and they had from 5 to 7 children. At the time of the murder their average age was 29 years old. Many of them tell that their husband had lost interest in them, and they felt that their beauty was fading.

    When a new man takes an interest in them, they fall easily for him. The law gives women few possibilities to get a divorce, and the murder of the husband is planned and done together with the new boyfriend. Only 33% of the women did the killing on their own. Moazami also found cases where women, sometimes with the assistance of their daughters, killed a violent husband.

    Moazami thinks there are several structural causes to spouse killing. She mentions poverty, illiteracy, traditional opinions and Iranian women’s position in marriage and society. Young marriage age is also important. Moazami thinks that the women were too young to understand marriage when they married at 12-14 years old, and it was difficult for them make their own demands.” Source: Norwegian Information and Documentation Centre for Women's Studies and Gender Research.

    Let’s tackle the first issue: marrying young. Who decides for a girl to marry young in the first place? Every one knows in traditionally male-dominated households, nothing takes place without the Father’s permission. So, the answer is a “Male”.
    Who decides for women’s divorce? A male judge based on religious and patriarchal interpretations of family laws.
    In 67% of the cases, who carries out the murder? A male lover.

    Since illiteracy is indicated as one of the cultural triggers to spousal killing, in a traditionally male-dominated society, who decides when and why and how a young girl should go to school or if she needs to go to school at all? The Father; or any other empowered Male figure...more

    What Khomeini brought to IRAN:

    The holy crimes of this regime in terms of executions and human suffering and misery dwarfs anything the Pahlavi's did during their 53-year reign.

    One out of 16 people in Iran is an addict. Iran has the highest rate of Heroin addicts--brought to us by the IRI--in the world. And this imbecile talks about SAVAK. (you only need to google and find the BBC article on that)

    The ISLAMIC SAVAK, VEVAK, has outperformed Shah's SAVAK many folds over.

    Why does this Paki feels he has any right or legitimacy to write anything coherent about Iran?

    Mr. Paki, your an enemy of enslaved people of Iran. You'll benefit from investing in reading a few factual books about Iran and the Iranian history.

  3. 5% of Iranian population is drug addicted:

    I strongly urge all liberals/jihadist to read about the history of Iran, specially 18th and 19th century Iran in order to get a complete picture of just how backward imbued with superstitions and medieval mentality we were as a nation (thanks to the akhunds (mullahs) and the Qajars) and how far the two Pahlavi kings (albeit not perfect) brought us in a mere 53 years. Our societal and political problems were not caused in these short 53 years. Their roots were long and deep. But the young people of the 1970's were tragically short on memory and long on idealism and unwarranted expectations. And today's generation of young Iranians pay a heavy price for it.

  4. Who the hell is this Mo-slimey "Liberal Paki" piece of exrement talking about Iran?
    Who the hell is this f&*ker telling us what regime he wishes for Iran.
    He dirties the name of IRAN by speaking it.
    We Arayee people decide who is our friend and who isn't.
    So shut the f*ck up.

    Incidentally Serendip, on the occasion of the birthday of the Shahan-Shah Arya-mehr please accept my "Shaad-baash".

    "Paayandeh-baad mihan-e Arayaee"
    "Marg bar eslam o dar o dasteh ash"

  5. GM: Dorood va Javid Shah.

    Marg bar Islam (Death to Islam and Tazis)
    Payandah and Javidan Iran(Long live Iran)

    BTW, Why can't we post comments on
    Gary Metz's site?

  6. Gary is changing his site provider and has had to obtain a new, dedicated server for RegimechangeIran instead of sharing one with others as his volume became too large.

    Transfering all the info and sorting it has become a huge task and he has recently not been feeling well.

    However everything is progerssing fine, just time consuming. Plese be patient a little longer.
