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Monday, August 20, 2007


(Alan note: this is a simple letter providing a "man in the street" opinion of Obama in Indonesia. Little do we, in America, realize how important our elections are to others in other countries.

While very simple, the letter provides a heartfelt insight into who Obama may really be and pretending not to be.)

Twenty or more years ago, an American friend married xxx (name withheld), a Chinese lady, born in Indonesia.

I knew about the custom spiking Chinese heads on fence posts in Indonesia, by muslims of course, long before 9-11.

The muslims in Indonesia hate the Chinese there, so they cut off their’s brother almost lost his about 5-years ago, only his motorcycle helmet saved him.

Input on our (USA) elections from muslims. My wife called her family in Indonesia.

Seems all the muslims are dancing in the street praying and dreaming of our new president being Obama.

They want him so badly, but xxx's family is dreading it, since they are Christian and know it would be our downfall.

Obama is a muslim and all of them know it. (Alan note: Obama went to "madrassah" Moslem school in Indonesia).

Hell we already have a muslim in congress and if Obama gets in the white house, the first thing will be sharia law imposed on the US.

I know a lot of people think he is "just" a black man but other countries know his real plan is to make muslim law here (USA). I don’t think your friend Mxxx knows, but you can forward this to him if you wish.

This country should know about how muslims are wishing this guy in so they can take over the U. S. of A.

Xxx's mother and brothers were trying to tell her how bad it would be if he gets in as pres.

But the idiots here can only see how nice he is.

I have been reading the book by Salman Rashdie, title “the Satanic Verses. He is the guy that all muslims have put out a contract on to have him killed.

It is somewhat dense, but true.

Xxxx has told me many times, that there are no peaceful muslims, if they read and believe in the Koran they are out to kill anyone not muslim.

She should know coming from a 90% muslim country, and having to live with it for so long.

I just feel the idiots in this country should know some of what has been planned for us.

Sharia law says if you don’t convert to muslim then you are either going to be killed or have to pay the tax, as an infidel, until they can find you and kill you.

Oh yes, it is not a fib, and those who want him in will soon find out about it.

Hell even if Hillary gets in and has Obama as vice, we are doomed.

Oh well if Mxx wants to know send a copy to him, maybe we can wake up the people here.

Take care and our love.


1 comment:

  1. Dear all as an Iranian the solution is in Iran's freedom from this heavily Western Supported Terrorist Islamic Reime , Iran would be the first State to kick this Killing Machine out and only then our World can start living in PEACE again ,We IRANIAN can't wait for that.
