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Monday, June 22, 2009


Reza Pahlavi appeared along pro-Freedom Iranians.

Nearly 3000 Iranians of various beliefs gathered by the White House (Sunday 2009/Jun/21) at 4pm.

The demonstration voiced support for the pro-Freedom movement in Iran. More than half of the crowd consisted of young Iranians who were chanting: “United Nations pay more attention” and “Democracy for Iran”. The rally lasting for 3 hours was highlighted by H.M. Kourosh Reza Pahlavi appearing along with his wife and daughters to voice unity with the plight of Iranians. He addressed the crowd holding a loud speaker while Yasmine Pahlavi held on to a picture of Neda (the teenager who was shot by Islamist militia).

H.M.* Kourosh R. Pahlavi emphasized that despite of difference in opinions, "Freedom" (Azadi) should be the core message in our slogans and demands

* ALAN NOTE: many royalists already refer to Prince Reza Pahlavi as His Majesty, as the catalyst/ umbrella leader of the new Iran, though he does not insist on a Monarchy unless the people decide that's what they want. In his address to the rally, he expressly listed numerous mind sets and ideologies including Communists, Mojaheddin, Islamic republicans, who oppose a monarchy but said they are all Iranians and have their place in a free Iran social and political structure.

Here is a DIFFERENT video (in English) of His HIghness choking during his speech about events in Iran.


لطفا به لینک زیر بروید و برای درخواست دستگیری علی‌ خامنی جنایتکار آنجا امضا کنید

Please sign the petition above to arrest mass murderer, criminal,
and terrorist Ali Khamanei.

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