That bow of submission to King Abdullah, titular head of Islam, was a betrayal to our Christian founders, our war dead, every patriot, and every member of the armed forces serving today.
And Obama should not diminish and malign our country, our people, with derogatory and denigrating actions and speeches while overseas, formally representing the USA, to curry favor with Europe or other countries like Saudi Arabia or islamic iran..
And these events are a clear confirmation of Obama's deep Moslem leanings and his debt to Saudi Arabia for largely buying him his presidency with their funds and support.
Going, going down....
....on submissive bended knee of a vassal
View below for yourself.....
Full event video..... (nod to queen, deep bow to Saudi King)
Michelle breaks centuries of protocol and embarrasses Queen by touching her.
Why not? after all they paid for his educations and spent hundreds of millions of dollars for his election campaign so he is just being a good faithful Muslim.