SATURDAY/SUNDAY Reports reaching us from islamic iran now indicate a wave of arrests has taken place creating a very "pregnant" situation where anything can still happen, though the arrests have taken out opposition leadership:
1. Former President Hashem Rafsanjani has been arrested and taken to be held at the house of Supreme Ruler Ali Khamenei, where he was forced to resign as the head of the Expediency Council and Council of Experts. He is being held there until further notice to be at the pleasure of the Supreme Ruler.
Rafsanjani not only spent money to oppose Ahmadi-Nejad's re-"selection" but also made a big mistake of threatening the Supreme Ruler with the fact that the councils headed by Rafsanjani were the ones who had to declare the eligibility of the Supreme Ruler and could remove him from office with a quick vote.
He is not expected to emerge alive from his detention.
2. Mir Hossein Moussavi is reported to also be under arrest when he was taken at a press conference and being held hostage to prevent his supporters from pouring into the streets. His life for their remaining out of the streets. His wife Zahra Rahnevard, co-campaigner and head of the Al-Zahra College was also arrested.
Rapidly fired employees of the Ministry of Interior, responsible for the voting results, reportedly told Moussavi he had won by a large margin and to be prepared to take office, two things happened:
a) Ayatollah Mesbah-Yazdi, nicknamed the "crocodile", leader of the fervent, apocalypse preaching Hojatieh 12th Imam followers and Ahmadi-Nejad's mentor, promptly issued a "fatwah" to reverse the vote count results and accord Moussavi's votes to Ahmadi-Nejad and vice versa. A fatwah is a must be obeyed religious decree for devout Moslems.
b) Former Tehran mayor Karbassi, head of the Election Committee was quickly arrested.
3. Former Reformist President Khatami's brother, Seyed Mohammad, was also arrested though his more prominent brother is still said to be at liberty.
4. For now reports of 'ayatollah' Mehdi Kahrubi, himself a candidate, having been arrested appear to be unfounded.
5. All reformist newspapers have been invaded and taken over by enforcement agents. Dozens of journalists at those locations have been arrested though Moussavi's Ghalam (pen) reportedly has restarted publishing. Though Kahroubi's "Etemad Melli" (National Confidence) remains shuttered.
6. Various members of the 2nd Khordad Reformist group all around the country have been rounded up and arrested as have a multitude of Student leaders, who have risen in opposition to the Mullah regime as a whole rather than for a specific presidential candidate, though they oppose Ahamdi-Nejad in particular.
7. Another arrested was MirHossein MirDamadi, another oppostion leader.
Additionally, friends and family of the above have been gathered up and thrown into prisons around the country.
Matters are still volatile and change all the time, so Kahrubi could now have been arrested. Perhaps when his statement of the the declared election results were a farce.
During protest rioting in the streets, several law enforcement agents have been killed and a police station was seized by the rioters plus a still undefined number of protestors have died in the clashes. Links to videos at the end of this article.
OTHER events:
Throughout Saturday and Sunday riots continued and clashes occurred all over Tehran and in major cities like Tabriz, Mashhad, Shiraz and Isfahan.
Tehran phones have been disconnected to prevent any concerted or unified action by the oppostion through this kind of communication and limiting all contact around the nation whether by landline or cell phone.
Internet sites have been shut down or strongly filtered and foreign radio or TV has been hacked and infested with static noise to prevent broadcasts into Iran reacing listeners.
Police in riot gear, Bassiji Suppression forces and plain clothes intelligence and suppression agents have clashed and wounded and killed protestors and several have been killed themselves. (see videos).
In their frustration, protestors have ended up smashing bank fronts and windows of government buildings. On the other side of this coin, cars passing through areas where the suppression forces have been on scene have had their windows smashed in by the agents.
A strike movement to close down government offices, specially the Ministry of Interior has a general blockade of the city by drivers filling up the streets with theri vehicles and then turning off their engines so that traffic grinds to a city wide halt.
In Tehran a bus bringing in suppression forces and agents was set on fire and later exploded. When Bassiji street contrl agents arrived (khaki uniforms) on motorcycles to confront the demonstrators, some were put to flight and their orange colored motorcycles set on fire, adding to the smoke and flames.
View the videos for more details of events mostly in the YussefAbad, Vanak and Fatemeh Square. Shots were heard coming from the Fatemeh Square but at this report it was unclear if these were fired in the air or at the demonstrators.
Another person of note who was arrested was Mahtasharipour of the Fighting Clerics Group which is an opposition movement.
And as a finale, Jimmuh the idiot Carter, the source for all the misery in Iran, stated that it does not really matter who wins and becomes president since he is sure that the Supreme Leader will listen and take advice from the opposition. Good grief! Yes, he might listen to their dead lips after he has them killed.
What planet in which galaxy does this idiot Carter live on?
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