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Friday, August 11, 2006


Alan's note: Received from Banafsheh Zand-Bonazzi, worried by the threat from Friday prayer leader Mullah Jannati to kill all political prisoners. He is having them tortured and killed anyway, so the threat is an increase in numbers not a new activity.

The anger and desperation she shows at Western inability to take firm action against the Hojatieh regime in Iran, reflects that of many other activists like her, who feel let down by an apparent inability of Western countries to understand what has transpired there. A neo-Iran regime whose total focus is on bringing back the 12th Imam to redeem the world.

And to accomplish this they must create as much pain, sorrow, destruction, oppression, death and bloodshed as possible to get the 12th Imam's attention and cajole him up from the well into which he went in to hiding as a child some 1,300 years ago.

Do not be surprised if we wake up one morning very soon, perhaps as early as August 22nd (a significant date for Moslems) and find Ahmadi-Nejad has nuked Israel to achieve his deep-set Hojatieh beliefs. He has been making noises that very soon the world of Islam will never need to worry about Israel's nuclear arms or capability - ever again!

Iran already has at least four nuke warheads on Shahab 3 missiles in operational and launchable form. The nuclear games they have been playing are simply because they want more than they have.

When someone like Mike Wallace ignorantly, or as she says narcissistically for his resume, acts as an apologist for Ahmadi-Nejad, the purveyor of apocalypse and Armageddon, then tempers flare. And rightly so.

Banafsheh's Commentary:

Mike Wallace and old media dogs like him are the mirror image of the Mullahs. Both these groups of OLD men’s worlds are rooted in an outdated form of narcissim that just does not translate in this world anymore.

Wallace was one of the western journalists responsible for criticizing the Shah of Iran mercilessly in the ‘70’s. He bashed him for being a King…a king in a developing and secular middle-eastern country that refused to allow communism to flourish in his country – a country that had been SCREWED with for 400 years by either Imperial Russia or The Soviet Russia .

Wallace badmouthed the nature of our political history and by spinning a web of deception for credulous westerners helped destroy a country that had also been plagued with a bastardized version of a religion that had cut Iranians down by the sword, for 1400 years.

One of the funny things is that Wallace clearly does not understand that Ahmadinejad is an ANTI-SEMITE. Ahmadinejad has said it again and again and again; the guy even had a CONFERENCE about it . He did call it a WORLD WITHOUT ZIONISM but he continually attacked Jews by claiming that the Holocaust never happened…just like Nazi revisionists.

But of course Wallace, who is another of the long line of self-loathing Jews who make life very difficult for the average innocent Jews, obfuscates and says that Ahmadinejad is an Anti-Zionist...he forgets to mention the fact that the Islamic regime has been reaching out to Neo-Nazi groups in Germany…etc.

Clearly Mr. Wallace, because of his age has developed a selective memory problem!

Wallace has NO idea how his actions and words, in support of the liar and killer Ahmadinejad has upset, not only Iranian Muslims who support a free and secular Iran, he has debased every innocent Iranian jew who suffers in Iran and outside.

Also Wallace NEVER mentions a word about the hundreds of innocent Iranian colleagues of his, journalists, like my own father, who are political prisoners of the Mullahs.

He mentions NOTHING of any of our student activists, one of whom, Akbar Mohammadi, who was TORTURED to death in prison on Sunday, July 30th. He mentions nothing about the treatment that women and children get in Iran…the 11 million out of work hungry workers of Iran and the 42 million out of 70 million Iranians who live BELOW the poverty line.

Wallace is just another psychologically bankrupt narcissist who has given up his conscience and principles as well. At age 88, when he himself is at death’s door, I’m sure he cannot care less about what happens to the world.

I am saddened to see that the American people turn to such cultural imperialist spin doctors of the Jurassic period for information.

Let’s hope that the American people can see through Ahmadinejad’s filth and lies.

We Iranians have tried and tried for years to tell Americans what is what and we have been shot down. If I wanted to act like some “ethnic” minorities who have based their entire existence on vapid nagging, then I could easily say that we, as new Americans who came here with nothing, got decent educations, respect the concept of the formation of this country and NEVER made ourselves a financial or political burden on this country, have been treated contemptibly and Mike Wallace is proof that rather than the injured party being heard, that in this day and age, in the United States, the criminal gets the pass.

Wallace and other fascists disguised as compassionistas can spin their web of deception all they want…they can try to act like this is Bush’s doing but it will never make the actions of the filthy DC politicos, like Brzezinski, Kissinger, Vance, Scowcroft, Baker, Bush Sr., David Rockefeller and so on…who are the founding fathers of the very slimy trilateral commission go away.

They can go ahead and rewrite history all they want by using spin-doctors like Wallace and Rather but the common denominator truth will never change. This business transcends Bush…Bush is now…WHO can tell me what the heck has been going on since the ‘70’s…when the Islamo-fascists were re-empowered?

This is NOT the first time this battle is being fought and if those who want to ignore centuries of history in order to temporarily alleviate the pain of their displaced emotions......If anyone wants to learn to protect themselves, they would boycott Wallace and write to CBS and ask to send him to the elephant graveyard of old and clearly senile journalists.


  1. Where is the proof, the pictures of 4 nukes on missiles?

    If this is a true, someone should have leaked the pictures and they should be on every blog and newswire.

    Where is the meat? We already know about the aims, and the motives, show us the means.

    Papa Ray

  2. For goodness' sake what the hell did Mike Wallace think he could get out of talking to this bona fide genocidal lunatic AhmadiNezhad? What is there to talk about? AhmadiNutcase and his ilk insist on destroying democracies, and the democracies insist on existing; where the hell can one draw a line of armistice between these two positions?
    Mr. Peters, I hope to God that your government implements your recommendation of "Iran - Justified Final Solution" ASAP ... for the the sake of both our countries.
