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Wednesday, October 24, 2007


President Bush and members of Congress are too squeamish to say it; neither will our news media; so I’ll just say it: Broken Arrow!, the military call sign for help when you are being overrun by the enemy.

America is at war with Islam. We are being overrun by a cult whose followers migrate to America for no other purpose than to dismantle the United States and install Islam.

Now that it’s out in the open we can, as a nation, begin to confront the rea lenemy.

First we must understand them; know our enemy.

In less than 50 years the army of Muhammad conquered then enslaved people all across Africa to Asia, and conquered Spain for 800 years.

The Arab slave trade was the first slave trade, and even exists todayin secret places in Egypt and Saudi Arabia.

Muslim aggression has not ceased since its inception, ever.

Muhammad is called The Praised One in Arabic. “The Praised One” as under control of demons for 23 years of his life. Although no one knows his real name, he is called the“Rasool” or prophet.

He is also referred to as al-insan al-kamil, meaning, the perfect man or perfect model of conduct. So, according to Muslims, their idea of a perfect man was one who raped little girls and decapitated Jews. The cult inspired by this evil bastard has caused the death of 120 million people, 70 million alone being Hindus.

Muhammed was a thief, pedophile and a rapist. He was also a mass murderer who used indoctrination and intimidation to enforce his tyranny. These tactics are, of course, still inplace today.

If you think you can legitimately refute this claim, you are eligible for several cash prizes available from the Israeli government.

There are two types of Muslims: Terrorists and potential terrorists.

‘Non-practicing’ Muslims (those not actively promoting Islamic world domination) can become violent just from reading the Qur’an.

We have already seen several examples of these types in the U.S.; from the office building shootings in Seattle to the 2 students caught with explosive devices in Virginia.

So called moderates and peaceful Muslims have not formed any programs in mosques to teach against the Jihad doctrine of violence, nor have they shunned terrorists out of their communities or co-operated with law enforcement authorities in the United States or any Western country.

Violent muslims (jihadists) continually encourage others to take up the battle. Violent domination IS the practice of Islam as taught in the Koran. Their holy bookstates: “Believers, make war on the infidels who dwell around you. Deal firmly with them”, and “slay the idolaters wherever you find them. Arrest them, besiege them and lie in ambush everywhere for them” and “Muhammed is God’s apostle. Those who follow him are ruthless to the unbelievers.”

To be a practicing Muslim per the teachings of the Koran, IS to terrorize non-Muslims, infidels; force them into submission. Jihad is taught and murderous, violent acts are acceptable to Muslims since, as taught from birth, they truly believe infidels are literally animals worthy of being killed.

The American phase of Islam’s predatory migration into the United States is in phase I.

Muslims have a plan and they are here to use whatever means possible to implement it. Daily, they use our legal system (courtesy of theACLU) against us, suing us into adapting their culture, while willfully destroying our unique heritage and traditions. Our holidays offend them; so does Christianity, pork, and a long list of “agenda grievances”.

If so many things uniquely American offend them, why do they migrate to your state? Muslims are insisting now on “Muslim only”schools for their children.”Muslim only” schools that we will finance.

Within public schools, Muslims have carefully orchestrated propagandato make themselves look better by lying to our children in textbooks.

Since the early 1990’s, teaching Islam to kids has taken on a new dimension. As our society moved into the era of political correctness where it became taboo to offend any one group, many educational analysts say that the controversial nature of Islam started to not only be downplayed, but to be totally ignored.

One of the leading critics is the American Textbook Council, which came out with a scathing report a year ago. It is called “Islam in theTextbooks,” and in it are numerous examples of how Muslim scholars are simply not telling kids the full truth.

For example, take the word Jihad. It is believed to represent a holy war, and the object is to bring the whole world under Islamic rule and law. But in thetextbooks, that is not what kids are reading.

In the World History Book, “across the centuries,” Jihad is called a struggle “to do one’s best to resist temptation and overcome evil.” The president of the American Textbook Council, Gil Sewell, recently spoke about his concerns at a roundtable discussion on Capitol Hill.

Once our holidays have been removed, along with Christian symbols, Phase II will begin to include the indoctrination of more of our youth in the ways of Islam.

Using the rule of “international law”, Muslims will insist on the benefit of sharia law when dealing with American courts or any matter involving our present legal system.

During Phase II, more wahabbist clerics will be added to the growing number of mosques being built daily in America, pressing their “flocks” towards a more radical form of Quar’an belief and strict obedience to sharia law.

Armed with 11 trillion OPEC dollars, Islam is ready to take the United States without firing a shot. We supply enough apathy to allow them to do whatever it is they desire to do to make America another Islamic state in their global quest to dominate.

The only solution to this evil invasion is to stop, immediately, Middle East Muslims from coming to the United States by not recognizing their passport visas.

Unless we stop wholesale immigration, OPEC oil dollars will fund this carefully orchestrated and financially backed migration to eliminatethe United States of America.

We must also carefully investigate those already here, along with the infidel hating teachings.

Americans, now more than ever, need to show the strength of solidarity against this systematic destruction of the nation we call, the United States.

If you fail to do so, the slaughtering of non-Muslims by this satanic cult happening todaya round the globe will come to a street near you.

Alan note: bluntly spoken and a serious, well founded warning. WAKE UP America!

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