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Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Here is a comeback story of another illegal having hit another friend of mine. Read on. Something has to be done about these atrocities.

xxx (name withheld) - seems little has changed, this same scenario happened to me, I was walking across the street in a crosswalk and the gal that hit me was so f-----d up that she couldn't even stop the car enough to keep from driving me right into a parked car. Fractured my leg from the knee down - like throwing a grenade in a hole. You know what happened to the illegal Mexican woman who hit me & damaged the parked car she crushed me into? It wasn't her car, she had no driver's license, no insurance, she was so high her eyes were glassy and she was sweating profusely.

She got a letter from the State of California telling her that if she didn't get her driver's license within 60 days, she would "forfeit" the opportunity to get one for a year; the guy who's parked car she crushed me into? He had to repair the car on his own - was extensive as it was a VW bug, and she hit me into it so hard it left my bodymark in the doorframe.

Me - was in a cast for 9 months, in a metal brace for another 6, had 2 surgeries, infection developed under the cast requiring antibiotic treament for 3 years, with resultant arthritis, fibromyalgia & a chunk of my calf missing, and the threat of osteomylitis popping back on me any time I receive a new injury.

I was 24 - she had to be at least 10 years older than me at the time, I've often wondered if anything in her life ever happened that was as tramatic. She was less than sympathetic when she mowed me down ~ kept saying she didn't hit "no-body", even though it was witnessed by nearly 14 people.

This is a perfect example of why we need to control our borders. This is inexcusable, because when we control the borders, we can do background checks and see if we have criminals, terrorists, or dumb shits, like this one, coming over our borders.

Now the liberals will argue that we should give them driver's licenses, so that the illegals won't be driving without one. Dah!!!!!
I am sad for the many, many people who suffer and some are killed at the hands of people like this coming over our borders, unchecked.

There is a law against coming over without documents, then, they let this one get away with this illegal act in driving, with less than a slap on the wrist.


xxx, this is part of a letter from my cousin, xxxx xxxx, who lives in Blytheville, Arkansas. It gives an example of the illegal immigrant problem. xxx is her husband.

My accident was a year ago. I spent a week in the MED and had casts on BOTH arms for 6 weeks.

I could do nothing for myself. But I am 90% recovered and do most of what I was doing before.

An illegal immigrant jumped a concrete abutment to do an illegal U turn into our car.

I was driving xxx was cut, bruised, and traumatized but not hospitalized.

She did not speak English,

did not know how to drive,

did not have drivers license,

did not own the car,

did not have insurance, and
did not care.

She was fined $325.

Our insurance, which had to pay all, and medicare, and the xxxx
were out about $250,000. I or maybe we would have been killed if I had been driving a small car.

We are thankful for our lives and our recuperation. I still have affects in arthritis etc. but glad that
I have no worse.

Illegal immigration is a problem here as well as in Calif.

Love xxxx

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