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Friday, December 28, 2007


A good friend of mine sent me an Email bemoaning the loss of the democracy in Pakistan Bhutto would have brought - now she was dead. -

Here is my response, intended to also address all those who base their opinions on the drive-by Mass Media disinformation.

Or the wishful naivete of the State Department, or CIA (better named CYA - cover your ass) comments that Musharraf has lost all credibility (with them).

They have never had to deal personally with deadly Islamists in their careers, so expect Musharraf or anyone else they designate, to be able to function in that terrorist environment the same way they do in their corporate structures.

Even their new "horse" in the race, the new Army chief, who was trained in the USA and was part of Bhutto's cabinet when she was Prime Minister cannot do anything better than Musharraf and survive the activities of the Islamists.

Musharraf has taken American money and still kept open channels to the Taleban and Islamists. Letting them function almost unchecked. But do we really understand his choices and options? In PRACTICAL terms not wishful fantasy of someone waving a wand inside Pakistan and making everything well or even better.

BECAUSE it is a PIPE dream that “democracy” can find root in Pakistan – no matter who tries to bring it. Anymore than it could take root and grow in Mullah controlled Iran while they are in charge.

Naïve to think otherwise – and most of the world – including Iranians I know here – have so little knowledge of Islam that they fail to assess/analyze reality and go on pure “hope”, sorry, “hopeless” wishful thinking - far removed from reality.

Out of SEVEN designated regions of Pakistan, FOUR are totally controlled by the Taleban – vicious Islamists. (With Al Qaeda woven in).

And Democracy is counter to the Koran and Islamic teachings – as the only permitted loyalty/fealty is to Allah and only Allah - and they will kill to enforce their Koranic Islam.

And enforce the sharia (religious) law – which also is at odds with democracy or even a semblance of it.

So, dear friend, you and most of the world - mostly from insufficient knowledge and being good people wish things to happen that cannot. Certainly for now.

In fact the Pakistan assassination may well be the final straw in our war on terrorism.

We either have to ignore the Afghan-Pakistan border and let NATO and our troops go after the Al Qaeda/Taleban terrorists, who hide all the way up and down it ON BOTH SIDES

AND/OR bomb Iran to smithereens to snuff out an increasingly restless Persian Gulf. Like putting out an oil well fire.

Shia militants are already causing street level trouble in Bahrain and inside Sunni Saudi Arabia. The Taleban "insubordination" or lethal disregard for authority in Pakistan serves to incite others of like mind all around the world.

The mass Media, intent on concealing or denying the need for military solutions (and our successes) does not report much of it.

The Gulf States are caught between a rock an a hard place with their money in the West and under Western pressure to resist and a death and destruction threat from Iran close to them and their oil fields.

You cannot wish something like democracy into being, good friend. Bhutto was SADLY a vain, useless "wish". Too many ruthless enemies, too much negative history, including corruption accusations, to have a clear road to anything.

Another accusation placed at her doorstep was that during her time as Prime Minister she allowed (some say encouraged) the Mojaheddin, who later became the Taleban, to operate freely.

The worst is that we did not learn our lesson with Carter backing the Khomeini revolution against the Shah in the name of democracy and we are repeating the mistake idiotically with Musharraf.

Only this time we are dealing with a country that has ONE HUNDRED NUCLEAR WEAPONS!

Which if we help "depose" Musharraf and destabilize the military (who are in charge of the nukes) we risk placing lots of them into the hands of the terrorist Taleban/Al Qaeda.

Since much of the Pakistani Intelligence/Security sympathize with the militant Islamists and would rejoice if nukes were used against the “kafir swine” – that’s us, the agencies designated to protect against terrorism fan the flames of it and lend them their support. .

Try talking to me before you conclude matters based on a purely “inside America” eye and mindset based on what you read in the “drive-by” mass media. Or have experienced in an American political environment. Something far removed from Pakistan's playing field

With possible world disaster now unleashed by the Islamists showing their strength and encouraging other militants in the Persian Gulf, the Mullahs in Iran, the Taleban inside Afghanistan, even Hamas and Hezbollah, do we really think that Hillary Klintoon, the anti-military candidate can lead us? Can do what it takes?

She could not even handle one man, her husband. Now she wants to command our troops and indirectly NATO and Coalition forces and go toe to toe with foreign leaders, offical and terror leaders, far tougher than hubby Bill Klintoon in his wildest dreams.

Good grief, what a formula for disaster. NO wonder the terrorists act fearlessly against us!


  1. Excellent article. I'm posting a portion with a link back.

    Debbie Hamilton
    Right Truth

  2. You can never trust a Muslim society or leaders of it, Islam itself being the reason for this. This is true despite the fact that a few individual Muslim may have splendid qualities.
