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Monday, January 28, 2008


Kayhan Editor Close To Iran's Supreme Leader Khamenei: 'America and Its European Supporters Must Know... That the Price of Supporting [Israel] Will Cost Them the Property and Lives of Their Citizens... If the Heads of Some Islamic States Prevent the Muslim Peoples from Attacking the Zionists... They Can Be Toppled'

In a January 26 op-ed in the Iranian daily Kayhan, the paper's editor, Hossein Shariatmadari, who is close to Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, called on Muslims to unite in a retaliatory attack on American, European, and Israeli "sensitive centers" because of "the war crimes that these countries are committing in the Gaza Strip" and because of their support for Israel.

In his op-ed, Shar'iatmadari stressed that American and European civilians must be harmed in these attacks, so as to make the U.S. and the European countries change their policy towards Israel. He further called for harming Israelis worldwide, and explained that Islamic regimes that prevent an Islamic attack on Israel must be toppled, because they are defending the enemy. Following are excerpts from Sharatmadari's op-ed, which was titled "The Defenders of the Enemy":

"The slaughter being carried out by the Zionists in Gaza – which includes the mass murder of Palestinian men, women, and children, cutting off the electricity, water, and fuel, stopping the supply of medicines and food products – along with various other savage crimes, is disgraceful for the Zionists, and for America and its European allies.

"However, it is even more embarrassing and disgraceful for, first and foremost, the heads of several Islamic countries, [including] Egypt, that is insisting on adhering to the abject Camp David Accords and closing the Rafah border crossing [to the Palestinians]; for the cowardly and characterless rulers of Bahrain and the U.A.E., who awarded a prize to the murderer [i.e. President Bush] of the oppressed Palestinian people during his recent trip to the region; and for the Saudi [royal] family, that bears the appellation 'Custodian of the Two Holy Places' but is indifferent to the crimes and violations of the infidel Zionists in the Muslim holy places, and so on.

"But aren't most of the sensitive centers of the Zionists, of the Americans, and of some European states that support Israel already situated within the arms' reach of the Muslims? And aren't the Zionists [vulnerable] and located within arms' reach of the Muslims at the four corners of the earth? What human and legal basis can prevent an attack on these centers and people?

Why must the savage, blood-letting Zionists and Americans be permitted to choose the field of battle as they wish? [Why are they permitted] to besiege the oppressed Palestinian brothers and sisters and their children, on the land that belongs to that helpless people, and to shoot at them night and day and to massacre them?

"America and its European and Zionist supporters must know that their support for Israel's crimes will cost them very dearly. Once they discern that this support will cost them the property and lives of their citizens, they will doubtless reconsider their support for the savage Zionists...

And didn't the Imam [Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini] teach that if every Muslim pours out one bucket of water, there will be a flood that will sweep away Israel, and destroy it?

"Every time a movement rises up against the Zionist occupier and acts to liberate its homeland, America and its allies accuse it of terrorism, and every state that supports these movements is punished. Why wouldn't the Muslims act the same way, and attack all the supporters of the Zionists everywhere in the world?

"The prevalent legal doctrine in both the Shi'ite school and the Sunni school is that it is permissible to attack anyone whom the enemy uses as a shield in the war against the enemies of Islam.

Therefore, if some heads of Islamic states prevent the Muslim peoples from attacking the Zionists – thus constituting a shield that prevents support to the persecuted people of that region – it permissible to topple these defenders of the enemy."

COMMENTS from some Free Republic posters:

So basically this muslim is against the 'murdering of civilians in Gaza', but calls other muslims to do the same with our citizens...

Coexistence with these people is impossible. That’s a fact. It’s either them or us.

Religion of Peace, huh?

So, when Sens. Obama, Clinton or Edwards wants to have a dialog with the Iranians, just where do we start?

Exactly. The west should stop the "war crimes" of sending money, food, fuel, electricity, and medical aid to the 'palis' (Palestinians).

These idiots seem to think that while civilized people do their best NOT to harm civilians and non-combatants during war, there will come a time where they just piss us off to the point where we will say "ENOUGH!" and then they'll learn the price that the people of Dresden and Tokyo paid during WWII.

It will be sad to see tens or hundreds of thousands of civilians in Iran killed, but it will be the direct fault of leaders like this.


The tens of billions that have been poured into this cesspool known as the Palestinian Authorithy have spawned only vileness, hate, and mass murder. The’ve received more than enough money to build a great society for them all.

The more Israel gives the so-called “Palestinians,” the more hateful these murderous Islamic terrorists get.

Palestine is the homeland of the Jews, as all the world knew until the recent myths of “Palestinian homeland” were cooked up by the Palestinian authority and its handlers and patsies abroad.

The Palestinian Authority has been given pretty much everything it told the world it wanted, but, predictably, the Arab promises all turned out to be lies.

The PA signed the Oslo Accords, but did absolutely nothing they promised. The world imposed no penalty for not following through and only gave them more money and more weapons.

Israel followed through on everything it promised at Oslo.

All the Palestinian Arabs know how to do is to teach their children to kill. People come from around the world with ideas and programs to build peace; the Palestinian Arabs laugh in private at the naivite of the West, but they take their money.

Any fairminded person who thinks that civilized negotiation is possible with the Palestinian Arabs has been asleep for at least 41 years.

These people must be repatriated to surrounding Arab countries where must of them have their roots in any case - under internatinal law this program would be a fair exchange for the the Jews who had to leave Arab lands in 1948.

Israel is the one and only homeland of the Jews and it’s tiny. The Arabs have 19 vast countries, yet they have left their brethern in refugeee camps for generations - some brethren the Arabs are!

Arab citizens of Israels who are loyal to the state of Israel would of course stay put in Israel and enjoy the benefits and services of Israeli citizenship they already enjoy.


Iran and Syria are the nuclei of the radical Islamic threat.

They are the core threat today in the Middle East. As many know, Iran has been emboldened and rewarded over the years for engaging in these activities.

Our inaction after British sailors were taken captive is but one small example, nor was it the first.

Our withdrawal of troops after the Beirut bombing, something Iran was behind is another example in historical context.

The lack of action after Iranian agents went on a killing spree in Europe years past, or the direct threats of their leaders against foreign leaders with complete inaction from the West all adds to this perception.

Realize that some of Iran’s senior leaders in their military are actually personally involved with the murders of people in Europe and on the “wanted” list.

Their direct meddling in Iraq which includes EFP, IR sensors, MANPADS, 50 cal sniper rifles, GPS (Improves mortar accuracy), money, intelligence and advisors even; despite this killing our troops we’re not willing to take action.

You have mock (testing) attacks on ships and there too we do nothing nor was the latest bout unique and new, it’s happened several times.

In 2006 Iran de facto waged a somewhat successful, at least in their eyes, war against Israel, all funded and logistical supported through back door intelligence channels by Iran, with complete impunity once again. (Hezbollah in Lebanon).

It’s real simple. Iran over the years has been “taught” that they can achieve their foreign policy objectives through terrorism.

They, as in the state of Iran, created some of the terrorist groups found today committing some of these acts! Some of their most senior leaders are no kidding terrorists on a “wanted” list, but even that is downplayed and governments like in Austria where some of these attacks occurred are willing to sell nearly anything to them.

What does that tell Iran?

So, now we’re all supposed to be shocked that their leaders advocate more of the same, which they see as being a highly fruitful way to do business?

If something in your life brings good results and costs you little, what do you generally do?


Do you remember the details of the Vienna assassinations?

Basically, three Kurd delegates were murdered during a meeting in Vienna by Iranian agents. The interesting part is that one of the hit-men at the time (I think it was about 1988 - I still lived in Europe at the time) rose to the rank of general and is a key leader who’s planning things like the arms that are flowing into Iraq or the mock attacks on our ships.

Towards the end of the Iran - Iraq war, Iran went on a literal killing spree in the Middle East, Europe, and parts of Africa. Dissidents, opposition leaders, people the regime simply didn’t like were dealt with since the resources were now no longer tied up fighting Iraq.

While all this was going on you had a Europe that more or less was in denial and thrilled over the end of the Cold War as the wall came down in 1989. But the fact that Rushdie needed armed security 24-7 for his novel “Satanic verses” published 1988 and motivating Khomeini to issue a fatwa for his death seems to not even make most Europeans think there might be a slight problem.



“I think Barak O’Barnum ought to sit down and talk w/ these people and share his vision of a brighter tomorrow. “ (Sarasm)

I wonder how he’ll be received in these countries, him being an apostate and all. (Apostates are condemned to death by religious tribunals).


The scary thing is that the Soviets, while bent on our destruction, were predictable and rational. These guys aren’t.

Even today Russia is no friend of the West but we really don’t need to worry too much about them shooting something our way. Iran on the other hand is a nation that was more or less seized by a bunch of nut cases.

These guys are ruthless, guided by some (unusual) Islamic based ideology, and life itself is meaningless in value. There is no democratic process, no rule of law, no adherence to international laws or convention. You’re dealing with a nation that operates like a big “gang.”

This regime has entrenched itself into Iran at this point, and terrorism is seen as a viable way to advance national policy.

Those who deny this reality usually avoid bringing up terms like “The Islamic Revolution,” and they usually don’t want to discuss what that means.

The people in denial usually won’t mention Hezbollah and who founded them and is backing this group even today.

Do you think it is a coincidence that the Europeans don’t officially recognize Hezbollah as a terrorist group?

Did you know that? The EU does not even see this group as a terrorist organization, why? What are the consequences if they do?

“The capitalist will sell you the rope with which you’ll hang him.” (Stalin).

Not only are we unwilling to take action against Iran, you have many in the West who pride themselves (not so much anymore) with their trade with these guys (i.e. Austria, Germany, etc.) and these are Western nations threatened by this regime and state.

So while moderate Lebanese leaders are assassinated, one after the other with Syria and Iran’s finger prints all over it, you have the Europeans saying they’re shocked and appalled” but unwilling to do anything about it.

Several in Europe in the meantime are running around theorizing about some grand conspiracy of the US to steal their national secrets in a NSA facility based in Bad Ailbling which gave the host nation access while their government turns a blind eye to sales of all sorts of hardware which is dual use to Iran.

Ever wonder what brand trucks the Iranians prefer for their rocket and missile launchers?

A carrot and stick approach makes sense, especially when dealing with someone who operates on the lower rungs of Maslow’s hierarchy.

You have a ruthless group of thugs; a West that does not really want to take action and does not stand united, even profiteering from trading and business with someone that wants to essentially slit their throat; and then you condition them that their behavior may it be with WMD, missile programs, playing with terrorism, hostages, mining the water ways etc. can indeed give them the results they desire.

Iran is a monster, and waiting isn’t going to help.

1 comment:

  1. Iran is learning from the Western powers and soon will use the same tactics. It is not against the Jewish religion, it is against the Zionists. VEry much of the rest of the world has lost sympathy for Israel and the time will come that the Zionist regime will be wiped of the pages of time.
