This is rich and had to happen, though went off like a wet squib (firework):
Dutch public broadcaster KRO was planning a film on the violent passages of the Bible, which get trotted out on a routine basis, as if they prove something about the violent passages of the Qur'an that jihadists around the world today are using to justify violence against unbelievers.
But -- just as is argued in the book Religion of Peace? -- the comparison is not really legitimate.
These producers discovered that on their own:
"After extensive research, linking Bible quotations with real political events and acts of violence however produced an insufficient basis for a thorough journalistic production."
Nonetheless, the denial will continue: learned analysts the world over will continue to maintain that the problem of global jihad terrorism has nothing to do with the Qur'an and Islam -- and this denial will continue to postpone intelligent analysis of what we can do about this problem.
What's interesting is that they decided not to do a film about how their hypothesis was wrong. Their research came up with the 'wrong' findings so instead of reporting on those findings with a powerful statement that Islam is unique among the Abrahamic faiths in its contemporary violence towards non-believers, they kill the project.
The ethnocentric blinders of people raised in a culture largely influenced by Judeo-Christian philosophies very often prove fatal.
Identifying diversity-worship as the culprit is a stroke of genius.
Of course they issue a press release to cover their asses with the left, as though they are saying, "hey, we tried to whitewash the Quran but failed".
And why does the West promote diversity? I'll tell you. It seems as if it is an inbred genetic fault of guilt association with our past wrongs.
Slavery and the persecution of Native Americans up till and including the American Japanese during WW II. And with western Europe the colonization of large parts of the world in the last 500 years.
So now Western Europe does nothing to stop the tide of diversity invading its shores and we walk in blind lockstep with Europe to the point of promoting this diversity hogwash.
So we can stand with outstretched arms and say."See how tolerant we are and all inclusive and great,we aren't racist, please like us" It makes me sick.
I think we need to do some stem cell brain injections into our policy makers. To change their suicidal policy mindsets and our destruction by Islamists as the result.
Funny thing, if it wasn't the ruling elites that you were talking about here, you could relegate such “thinkers” to fringe groups that wear tin-foil-hats, and use their “brain waves” to communicate with Elvis who is piloting a UFO near by.
As it stands, these loons are using their powers and influence to lead multitudes to future destruction or subjugation.
In other words, the DUMB (ruling elites) are leading the DUMBER (the masses) who may understand the reality, but remain powerless to do anything about it.
We can't they (the informed masses at least) do something about this sad state of affairs?
Because the Islamic lobby leverages our "guilts", our adopted, defeatist views of multiculturalism (reminiscent of the Christians going without resistance to the lions in ancient Rome) and countries like Saudi Arabia, Iran and Pakistan provide enromous sums of money, violent protagonists and suiciders to terrify any oppostion or buy goodwill and turn us into Dhimmis!
How many are ready to disbelieve that the Dutch government encouraged the making of the Violent Bible film to offset the risk of social disruption in Holland (and other parts of Europe by Islamists when the Violent Islam film comes out?
Please be aware that "participating in the debate" is coded language. It's code for demonizing Geert Wilders and fighting him tooth and nail. Take it as a given that there's plenty of participating going on with Dutch TV. Tax payer funded, of course.
Also, did Amsterdam city councilman Mr. van der Vlis gave them the same kind of intimidation he gave Wilders.
Funny thing is, the KRO broadcasting company is a government funded CATHOLIC TV station!
If that is true then it seems like a semi-attempt at proving contrast between the real-life impact of the two books.
This is begging for a shocking expose on the kind of things Christians are doing today because their faith so demands -(feeding homeless, building homes, volunteering for disaster relief, giving their money to whomever needs it regardless of race, religion, etc.)
Multiculturalism can only support itself by intentional ignorance to the degree of diversity one is expected to embrace. A Matrix of wishful thinking where Islam is now the Virus eating it from the inside.
Unlike commands in the Bible, towards strangers [unbelievers], Sharia mandates unequal justice, in the treatment of non-muslims in all Sharia jurisdictions.
Sharia takes away the rights of non-muslims under Sharia law, as is *mandated* in ISLAM, towards non-muslims in Sharia jurisdictions.
......"The legal regulations of Diya (Blood-money) and the (ransom for) releasing of the captives, and the judgment that no Muslim should be killed in Qisas (equality in punishment) for killing a Kafir (disbeliever)."
Now for multiculturalism, try Buddism. Budda and Jesus did not wage war, take war booty, kill and torture nonbelievers. Is that why Islamists are slaughtering Buddists?
Very interesting. They didn't get the results they wanted, so instead of publishing the TRUTH, they nix the project. Typical.
ReplyDeleteI just finished reading a list of "Creeping Sharia" in Tennessee, where I live. I'm ready to throw up.
It is so discouraging how groups like CAIR, MAS, etc. use our own courts against us.
Debbie Hamilton
Right Truth