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Monday, May 26, 2008



Oh! I forgot to mention the tens of thousands of EXECUTIONS and the HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of dead and crippled in the Iran/Iraq war courtesy of Carter's original actions and suport of Khomeini.

The Mullahs are using a more than willing Jimmuh Carter to promote appeasement and trade talks with them as per Barack Hussein OBAMA's declared intentions and give Obama cover from a former U.S. President to proceed as he pretends will bring results.

What is the description of moronic lunacy? To repeat the same thing over and over and expect a different result.

Hard to tell who is the moron and who is the lunatic when we listen to Carter and Obama talk about Mullah Land, Islamic Iran and how to unconditionally appease it, while its agens kill our soldiers and civilians.

Former US President Jimmy Carter urged Washington to establish friendly ties with Tehran, reiterating the need for his country to resume trade relations with Iran, which he described as a "rational" nation.

Speaking at the Hay Festival yesterday, Carter also suggested the US should provide nuclear power technology and fuel to Iran as a show of goodwill.

"What happens if, in three years' time, Iran has a nuclear weapon," Carter asked. "I'm not sure that is going to happen, but if it does, what do we do? They are rational people like all of us in this room. Do they want to commit suicide? I would guess not. So what we have to do is talk with them now and say to them we want to be their friends," the former US president said.

"The United States must let Iran know that we want to give them fuel and everything they need for a non-military nuclear program. Twenty-five years ago we cut off trading with Iran. We've got to resume trading to show Iran we are friends."

Carter also criticized President George Bush, saying it was a "serious mistake and terrible departure" from the actions of previous US presidents not to engage with countries with which they differed.

"The president of the administration in Washington is the first one to have ever done this and I think we close off ourselves from any sort of rational accommodation of the views of other parties in order to reach out on major goals," said Carter, in a further interview with Sky Arts, to be broadcast today.


Selected COMMENTS from FReepers:

America's worst president ever calls for providing nuclear fuel and technology to Iran....after all, it worked out so well when he gave them to North Korea.

That moron is the guy that paved the way the Iranian Islamic revolution by dissing the Shah.

Hmmmm maybe MORON is the wrong term... Imbecile?.... no MORON is better.

Is this real??? I honestly thought it was Scrappleface. I didn’t think even Carter was THAT stupid.

Just wow. The idiocy of that man knows no bounds. They are not a whit different from the Iran that caused him to sit in the Oval Office wringing his hands because it made him and everyone else see just how impotent and incompetent he was as a leader.

Then he sent good men to their deaths in a risky mission that we should have never had to try to begin with.

He was responsible in large part for the fall of the Shah.

They are rational people like all of us in this room.

Sometimes the peanut farmer gets it right! Anybody who didn't get up and walk out after these comments probably is about as rational as the leadership of Iran. We know Carter fits the bill.

Carter also criticized President George Bush, saying it was a "serious mistake and terrible departure" from the actions of previous US presidents not to engage with countries with which they differed.

Jimmy, how many Democrat Presidents met with Fidel Castro?

“Former US President Jimmy Carter urged Washington to establish friendly ties with Tehran”

Good idea! The U.S. State Department has a job for him. Running the U.S. embassy in Tehran.

We had very fine relations with Iran, before Jimmah destroyed them by causing the ouster of our friend the Shah. He certainly was not willing to talk to him.

Now he wants to talk with the current leader. Some people just don't know how to behave.

I believe that President Carter is indeed senile, and that perhaps even dementia has set in since it appears that he has utterly forgotten the humiliation that Iran visited on his administration when the Iranians ransacked our embassy and kidnapped our embassy staff.

Coupled with other bizarre behavior on his part I believe, for the memory of his own dignity and the dignity of his former office as President of the United States, that Mr. Carter's public comments should now be studiously ignored by the press.

They(Mullahs) are rational people like all of us in this room.

What a dumbass.

The judicial sentence for one of their criminals last year was to throw him off a cliff. They’re still savage in their hearts.

Carter is the one who sold out the Shah and gave Iran to the Mullahs. They rewarded him by taking our embassy employees hostage until he left office. This guy is a nut case.

They are rational people like all of us in this room. Do they want to commit suicide? I would guess not. So what we have to do is talk with them now and say to them we want to be their friends.


Jimmuh has peanuts for brains!

No. 1, Jimmuh you're not a rational guy......... if you were you'd know that the Iranian government lacks rationality.

No 2., Becoming friends with people that are killing our troops, funding terrorism throughout the world, building nuclear bombs, and threatening to wipe us and Israel off the map is not very smart or rational. It's suicidal!!!!

With friends like Iran who needs enemies?!?

Do they want to commit suicide? The hidden Imam commands they commit suicide in order to hasten his return. Anybody who listens to Ammanutjob would realize he is serious.

I just can’t get over the GALL of this man. For such a failed president to be going about, bleating about what HE thinks we should do makes me want to scream. Can’t his handlers CONTROL him? Is he completely unaware of what the majority of Americans THINK of him?

Actually, he is a vain and bitter man. He absolutely cannot stand that he is thought of as such a bad president. He also is extremely jealous of how Nixon rehabilitated himself after leaving office. He cannot stand it period. He is so vain that when gets on an airliner he ‘personally’ walks up and down the aisle ‘shaking’ everyone’s hand. I know, because I had the misfortune to have him offer his hand to me on a Delta Flight to DC. He was an extremely bad governor, and he was worse as a president. He has however, been a particularly effective traitor.

“Iran, which he (Carter) described as a “rational” nation.”

Is Iran more or less rationale than when Jimmy Carter took office?

At that time, Iran was run by the Shah of Iran, an American ally. American allies were seldom good enough for Carter. He undermined the Shah, who was replaced by the Ayatollah Khomeini. Khomeini was anti-American and anti-Western - just the kind of dictator beloved by the American left.

Khomeini radicalized Islam, returning it to its Muslim supremacist roots. Almost all subsequent Islamic terrorism traces its roots to Khomeini’s influence, and one step removed, Carter’s influence. Carter is in no position to lecture anyone about Iran.

"The president of the administration in Washington..."

'scuse me? Would that be the Pres of the United States you are speaking of, you anti-Semitic nincompoop?

They are rational people like all of us in this room.

You mean the same rational people that said this?

"As the Imam said, Israel must be wiped off the map," said Ahmadinejad, referring to Iran's revolutionary leader Ayatollah Allah Khomeini.

Who condemns all Muslim leaders who accept the existence of Israel as "acknowledging a surrender and defeat of the Islamic world."

Who states that Israel must be "wiped off the map"

Who tells the world that Israel is "on the verge of disappearing"

Who calls Israel a "fictitious" and "illegitimate" regime

Who tells the world to accept Israel's "imminent collapse".

Who's president says that "the US and Israel will soon die"?

You mean those rational people, you anti-Semite? What a despicable and hateful little man you are.

Carter's ego simply will not allow him to admit the devastation his appeasement of the Iranian Islamic terrorists thirty years ago is still causing America so he keeps showing up, spouting the same treasonous garbage, refusing to salvage any little bit of manhood and class he could by disappearing and letting us forget his pathetic existence.

He's not senile, he's an dirty old leftist who, like all the rest of them, wants to see America knocked down and reshaped into a communist hellhole where the masses are firmly in their place and the unblemished, sparkling pure anointed like Jimmy Carter are in charge.


Speaking at the Hay Festival yesterday, Carter also suggested the US should provide nuclear power technology and fuel to Iran as a show of goodwill.

You really shouldn't miss this's pure Twilight Zone.

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