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Monday, June 2, 2008


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1 comment:

  1. . Urgent Attention .
    Latest News On Dr. Fouladvand
    Another Free thinker to be executed in Iran

    Dr. Foroud Fouladvand to be executed with two
    of his compatriots inside the Mullah's jail in Iran.

    Following the recent reports on the disappearance and the imminent execution of Dr. Foroud
    Fouladvand and two of his associates after being kidnapped and smuggled to Iran in January
    of 2007 by the Mullah's secret agents, sources close to Dr. Fouladvand's Office in London now
    confirm that Dr. Fouladvand is being pressurised by his interrogators from Iran's Ministry of
    Intelligence to appear on the Iranian television and make false confessions to the charges of
    been the terrorist leader responsible for the recent bombings in Shiraz and Tehran. Further more
    the sources reveal that after the recent arrest of 12 more Iranian political activists on the terrorist
    charges, the regime is desperately trying to link Dr. Fouladvand with their arrest by forcing him to
    confess to being an agent of the Israeli, the British and the American governments and responsible
    for recent bombings.

    The Office of Dr. Fouladvand in London vehemently denies such allegations and said that Dr.
    Fouladvand and has refused to cooperate with the interrogators demands. It is understood that for
    the reasons above the executions of Dr. Fouladvand and his associates are on hold.
