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Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Various off-site comments introduce other interesting opinions about the missing birth certificate:

1. It's lost because it never existed.

2. It shows that Obama was born six months after the reported marriage date of his parents.

3. It was marked "father unknown"

4. The ethnicity box was checked as "white".

5. The birth address (if not in Kenya) was a seedy little Hawaiian hotel where falsification of a certificate would be easy to buy.

6. That his name on the certificate is actually Barry with family name as Dunham.

7. That the Clintons would have already used all or any of this against Obama if there were any truth to it.

8. That as stated in the previous article below, the location of birth is less a factor than the "naturally born" citizenship requirements and renouncing dual citizenship at the age of 18.

9. In American immigration law a new born, born to only one US natural born citizen which in this case would be his mother — Ann Dunham - thus Barry Dunham would or should be on his birth certificate.

For him to change his name at birth to OBAMA his father would have had to ADOPT him, there is no evidence that he did this, thus his name remains Dunham.

When his mother remarried his name was changed to Soetoro but how? His new father would also have had to adopt him to change his name , and make him a citizen of Indonesia, however Barry returned to Honolulu somehow on his second father's passport.

His grandparents did not change Barry’s legal status, so for some reason he kept the name Soetoro until he changed it yet again to Barack Hussein Obama but he did not do it legally by deed poll thus he should still be using his real name.

The question of whether he is a citizen of Indonesia or Kenya both of which he claims, is open to question because of the lack of any legal documentation available at present.

The other interesting issue raised is citizenship of the United States. If you leave the country for an extended period of time , yes , the answer is 5 years - however it would appear that Barry left for under slightly 5 years, so he may be safe on that one . what is more important is how did he get back into the United states legally?
(Hat tip to Right Truth)

None of the above, nor the previous article are intended to be support for Clinton, who in my opinion has tons of negative baggage that would also put our nation in danger. As much or more even if applied differently than Obama.

Singly or in combination, Clinton and Obama will lead/drag us into much worse economical problems than the ones they blame on Bush.

And by stupid, verging on idiotic, though crowd pleasing, withdrawal intentions from Iraq and the region, do the same harm to generations of us - as did Jimmuh the "Soviet" Carter, who is the indisputable source of today's Middle East and global Terror problems.

They seem to be competing to wrench the title of the worst American president ever from Carter in our history.

While I feel sorry for Obama on many levels, including his possible embarrassment through his parents, his having to "wheel and deal" to make a life for himself, his leftist, verging on sheer Marxism views and deeply anti-American background of friends and mentors sends shivers down my back when applied to our future in America.

Obama preaches his leftist beliefs in good faith based on inexperience of the real world out there outside the USA.

The cynical Clintons preach similar concepts from their own Socialist beliefs, also verging on Marxism, but with ruthless selfish motivations.


  1. There is no legal requirement to name your children after either parent. The parents CHOOSE the baby name, the state does not assign it in whole or in part. I know of MANY children who have different last names then either parent. In some cultures this is common. Lots of yuppies do this: woman's surname: Smith fathers surname: Jones kids surnames: Smith-Jones.

    So even if they were not married officially there is NOTHING to prevent her naming him Obama. Hospitals do not now, and have not in the past asked mothers and fathers to provide marraige certificates. In practice the hospital would have no way to know and would not care.

  2. Further comments at my place, Right Truth:'

    From comments in his book, Dreams of My Father, it is highly probable that his parents never married.

    Obama wrote that he has never had the courage to look up the records.


    For ten bucks you can get a copy of anyone's birth certificate!...

    There are some limitations on that, though.

    Many are now wondering about that strange incident with the State Dept contractors (hired by an Obama supporter) rifling through his passport.

    Posted by: A.C. McCloud | June 10, 2008 at 02:47 PM

    For ten bucks you can get a copy of anyone's birth certificate!

    Posted by: Michael | June 10, 2008 at 02:12 PM

    Keep digging Alan.

    Debbie Hamilton
    Right Truth

  3. Over at the Daily Kos, they have posted, what is purportedly, B-HO's birth certificate.
    I saw the story elsewhere, and read the description, but refuse to click onto DK. I don't want any Krazy Kos Kidz funk on me.
