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Monday, February 27, 2012


So sorry! Obama, Iran in secret nuclear deal, while indirectly apologizing to Afghanistan that he has not yet destroyed America for our enemies, specially Islamic ones.

By Reza Kahlili 02/27/2012

My sources inside Iran tell me that President Obama, seeking to protect the recovering U.S. economy and bolster his chances of being re-elected in November, apparently has entered into an informal agreement with Iran that he believes will defuse the nuclear weapons crisis and keep Israel from attacking the Islamic regime.

The agreement calls for the United States to acknowledge that Iran is not pursuing nuclear weapons, and for Iran to hand over its highly enriched uranium, which is necessary for nuclear weaponization.

Iran, for its part, though engaging Obama, has no intention of abiding by the agreement and is stepping up its nuclear enrichment program clandestinely, even as it prepares for a war it believes it can win.

When Obama took office in 2009, he threw out the Bush administration’s aggressive posture in negotiating with Iran and instead sought a new approach, one of diplomacy and friendship. He had a golden opportunity to support millions of Iranians who took to the streets over Iran’s fraudulent elections that June, but instead turned his back on freedom and democracy while believing that negotiations with the Islamic regime would yield results.

Once the protests had died down, the Iranians, after months of promises, announced that a proposed agreement by the West that limited their nuclear activity was no longer acceptable and that they had successfully enriched uranium to 20 percent, which is nine-tenths of the way to nuclear weaponization.

The Iranians have now expanded their nuclear program to the point where they not only have enough low-enriched uranium for six nuclear bombs but also have doubled their stock of highly enriched uranium of 20 percent. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) recently reported that Iran has added 3,000 more centrifuges to the Natanz facility, bringing the total to 9,000, and has started enriching to 20 percent at the previous secret site, the Fordow facility, which is deep within a mountain and secure against any attack. Such production could give Iran weapons-grade uranium for nuclear bombs within weeks.

Obama knows that Israel is losing patience with the lack of progress over Iran’s unabated continuation of its illicit nuclear program despite four sets of U.N. sanctions and other sanctions imposed by the U.S. and the European Union. He also knows that any confrontation between Israel and Iran will drag America into an unwanted war and therefore destabilize the American economy and harm his chances of re-election.

Iran knows that its best chance to delay any attack on its nuclear and military facilities and its best opportunity to be in a win-win situation is to once again engage Obama, believing he is weak, that Iran holds the key to his re-election and that a Republican win in November could mean direct confrontation.

As revealed in January, Obama sent a message to the Iranian leaders through three different channels. Part of it, disclosed by the Iranian officials, reflected a message by the U.S. president asking for cooperation and negotiation based on mutual interests, but more importantly, it assured Iran that America will not take any action against the Islamic regime.

Sources within Iran reveal that Khamenei, in a secret meeting with his top officials and military commanders, has issued a directive to push for a step-by-step Russian proposal to defuse the crisis in which Iran would only hand over its 20 percent enrichment stock while keeping all low-enriched uranium stock (enough for six nuclear bombs) and cooperate more with the IAEA (all the while continuing its enrichment activity). In exchange, the West would ease up on the sanctions as each step is taken.

The U.S., for its part, had to announce that Iran is not after the nuclear bomb, backing Israel into a corner and pressuring it not to take any action.

In the same meeting it was decided that if the West did not take the offer, then a limited war in the region could help the Iranian leaders further consolidate power at home, incite further uprisings in the region, become the leader of the Islamic movement by attacking Israel and still save some of its nuclear facilities, which are either at secret locations or deep underground. And that would justify their pursuit of the nuclear bomb.

The Obama administration responded positively. First, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Martin Dempsy, publicly announced that Iran is a rational actor and that it is not after a nuclear bomb. Then, just as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was to arrive in Washington for talks with Obama over Iran’s nuclear program, the consensus of 16 U.S. intelligence agencies said Iran has already stopped efforts to build a bomb.

This despite the most recent IAEA report clearly indicating the military aspect of the Iranian nuclear program and last week’s announcement by the U.N. nuclear agency that Iran has ramped up by 50 percent its production of highly enriched uranium, well beyond what is normally needed for peaceful nuclear energy.

In response to the Americans meeting Khamenei’s demands, the Iranian supreme leader responded by publicly announcing that Iran has never sought and will never seek nuclear weapons as it regards possession of such weapons a great sin.

Other Iranian officials did their part by announcing that the cooperation with the IAEA will continue to once again show the world that claims of Iran wanting a nuclear bomb are unfounded.

In this high-stakes game, Iranian leaders believe Obama is hamstrung by politics, and even if war comes, ultimately Russia and China will intervene to support Iran, demanding a cease-fire and therefore giving Iran a victory similar to the outcome of the 2006 Hezbollah-Israel war.

Though an election year, Obama must know that radicals ruling Iran, if given time, will obtain nuclear weapons, changing the world as we know it forever, no matter who is in the White House come 2013.

Reza Kahlili is a pseudonym for a former CIA operative in Iran’s Revolutionary Guards and the author of the award-winning book, A Time to Betray. He is a senior fellow with EMPact America, a member of the Task Force on National and Homeland Security and teaches at the U.S. Department of Defense’s Joint Counterintelligence Training Academy (JCITA).

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Alan Note: my sources say the Mullahs are shuddering, some in fits of laughter, at the pressure being brought to bear on our State Depatment to remove the Mojaheddin-e Khalgh (MEK) from the U.S. Terrorist list. As most of Europe has already done and even Federal Courts in the USA have decreed should happen but the Obama Administration refuses to let Hillary Clinton from doing. So they can live in newly acquired lodgings since they lost Camp Ashraf in Iraq.

The shudders are the fear of losing this perfect bogey-man or stalking horse  to distract everyone from the real danger the Mullahs pose.

The giggles, those "dangerous" MEK operatives, who committed acts of terror against the late Shah and killed some Americans, trained as a military force with some tanks and military arms - OVER THIRTY YEARS AGO - would today, generally, be over at LEAST 50-years old and NOT a viable strike force against the Mullahs.

Reportedly there is a rising support , inside Iran, toward Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi taking a leadership position in overthrowing the clerics. Faced with withdrawal of even  previously minimal funds AVAILABLE to overthrow the Mullahs from the U.S. State Department by Hillary Clinton shortly after Obama entered the White House, His Imperial Highness, with little or no funding to launch and supply  a movement has pragmatically played a low key role.

Except in a public relations effort to try to dissuade a military attack on Islamic Iran by Israel or America. In this, to protect his people, he has parallelled efforts with the clerics, who have funded and launched a widespread  Media campaign, all kinds of seminars by their shills like Trita Parsi and an organization, among others, named to appear to represent the people and not the Mullahs who pay them.

The only ones making sense in the midst of all this are those who are pushing a regime change using the students who poured into the streets in protest to fraudulent elections in 2009 where Obama deceitfully failed to support them in case they got rid of his Mullah buddies.

Even noting that their leaders were themselves clerics or had rivers of blood on their hands like Mousavi and were NOT trying to force a regime change but only a "leadership" change for their own ends, this would be a totally disruptive start which, if protected , nurtured and funded, would create enough chaos for a next step take-over by others. Preferably by a fully funded Prince Reza who has name and face recognition inside the country - and around the world.

What oposition groups may need to keep in focus is that while an Israeli attack may shed blood and many lives would be lost - since the nuclear sites are built close to or under major population centers, despite the Dhimmi APOLOGIST warnings that the populace would rally around the Mullahs, those same people would rapidly turn on the Mullahs for allowing, or being the cause, for this to happen to them.

Anger against "foreign" perpetrators can be quickly redirected at the less than popular clerics, who can be easily tagged as Arabic Islamist "foreigners/invaders" with an emerging hint to return to traditional, cultural Persian Zoroastrianism to weaken Islam returning.

In fact the slogan for the anti-mullah movement should be "Think Good thoughts - Speak Good Words - Do Good Deeds"!  The basic, universally appealing tenets of Zoroastrianism. Specially for a hurting, abused populace.

Given the  means and platform even I could make it stick, so trained PsyOps people addressing a nation that is still mostly under 30-years old and full of hope, specially release from the Mullah inflicted pain - this makes a perfect "replacement" to fill the ensuing "void". Riding in on the back of ancient Persian culture and tradition to bolster it and give it credence.

Sadly, conflicting and opposing factions, including Islamists who want  a place at the Persian political table or greedy to be at the Persian oil revenue trough, will strive to self-servingly complicate an otherwise relatively simple mind project.

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