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Sunday, March 25, 2007



What a huge sigh of relief and the subtle certainty that a huge potential disaster was averted. Worth two "huges" in a single sentence.

And my thanks to various Federal authorities, who listened, understood and passed the alarm up the food chain. Based on Common Sense rather than immediately available hard facts.

And thanks to the member funded Free Republic for also allowing the prominent posting of the article on their site which has some 250,000 members/supporters. Including all kinds of enquiring minds, military and civilian decision makers .......etc.

The end result - Islamic Iran's President, Ahmadi-Nejad cancelling his trip to the United Nations appears to prove his original request was not without underhand intent.

He asked for a visa - more or less easily granted to him as a so-called head of state visiting the UN, but he also demanded visas for 25 Security Agents.

Not to accompany and guard him, but to stay on board the mysterious private/government aircraft (as opposed to commercial airline) on which planned to arrive, while he went to the UN. They would not pass through customs and not submit to any search.

What would then be their purpose? To guard the aircraft? From whom? Or more likely to guard what the aircraft carried into the USA - which could otherwise not come close to our shores.

a) Electronic surveillance devices to be used en route or while on the ground? Possibly to monitor airport communications or security measures for future anti-American operations in New York or enroute.

b) These 25 persons - all clearly armed and dangerous could also hijack aircraft, take hostages or react on the tarmac when the UN voted (as it did) to apply further sanctions on Iran.

c) So far nothing drastic. The REALLY dangerous threat was a nuclear one. Iran has both the technology and the fission material needed for an EMP (electro-magnetic pulse) bomb.

Simply put, this nuclear weapon releases an pulse emission that wipes out electronic circuits but causes no direct harm to human life.

The circuits could be as "simple" as destroying controls of traffic lights/signals - vehicle accidents, tied up traffic, general discomfort possibly some fatal traffic accidents when trucks suddenly went out of control.

A step further would be subways shutting down, or trains crashing. Ships would likely find themselves adrift and unable to steer or navigate without their computer assisted controls.

Then escalating to higher levels, all computers in the stock exchange, including all back ups, as well as in banks and other vital financial activity would simply "die". Whereas no human would be harmed. Elevators in all buildings would become inoperable.

Aircraft would suddenly have no air traffic instructions and their unshielded electronics would simply fry. Here there would be loss of human life in considerable numbers as many of them fell out of the sky.

Military facilities have mostly shielded their electronics but the attack would be a "civilian" one not military. And there would be nothing against which the military could deploy.

The Iranian aircraft could be shot down but then the Hojatieh sect Ahmadi-Nejad is on the fringe of a being a suicider himself, so what good would that do? Without a major loss of human life an attack on Iran would be considered "overkill" by the Nancy Pelosis and John Murthas in our government and their bleeding heart counterparts in Europe.

His reasoning, justification? You refused me the technology (nuclear) I want for my country, so here have a taste of what it feels like to lose some of your own. Fair turnabout (in his mind) while he destroys all function for almost everything in New York.

Remember all backup units get fried too, so replacing electronic activity is not tripping a switch to reactivate.

In any event, from a "feel" of how Ahmadi-Nejad would think and plan a sting in return for the UN sanctions, my nerves were screaming holy murder at me.

What if I were delusionally wrong? No harm no foul, he had his permission to show up on a commercial airline, visit the UN and make his speech.

And if he had no ulterior motives other than make his speech, no big deal for him either. He did not need the 25 security agents for that - even by his own statements.

BUT if he wanted to become famous as the destroyer of New York - quite in keeping with his apocalytic mind set - and set off the EMP bomb - perhaps have it done while he was still in the UN peeved at the new sanctions, the potential damage of allowing the private plane and his 25 agents, possibly all suicide bombers, was unthinkable. Compared to any disrespect he may have felt.

What a relief that decision makers became aware of this and did the "right" thing.

Perhaps my ability to sense the probable actions of people like him or Saddam Hussein came into play again.

In the first Gulf war, I again had a similar feeling that Saddam Hussein, knowing he could not defeat our troops, would use some biological agent with slow incubation time to send sickeness back to the USA along with troops or equipment that had been there.

Again, some people in charge at the time, CIA and DOD, saw the common sense logic behind the warning I sounded during several phone calls they made to me and used the guise of "agricultural" prevention of possible crop diseases, to build large concrete slabs, wash and disinfect all armored or other vehicles, equipment etc., and repainted them before they were repatriated to the USA.

The bottom line - that special aircraft and the 25 special agents - were not permitted - so he cancelled his trip. NO point showing up to hear the UN slap him around without the planned reprisal. Conjecture? Yes. Likely scenario? Very much so! Horrible danger averted? You bet!

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